Looking around at our planet, we can see the shared similarities between humans and a number of animal species. Although we would like to think of ourselves as a social species, to say such is to neglect the fact that a number of animal species socialize with one another as well. While other animals may socialize, certainly the notion of love is unique to humans, right? Zoologists have observed that there are several species of animals that pair up and mate for life including otters, beavers, wolves, foxes, and swans among a few others. Regardless of whether or not this can be called love, the digital age has certainly ushered in a new realm of dating for people and even some animals.
How Dating Has Changed
Over the past several years, online dating has seen a 57% increase as more and more people are looking to the web. As the tolls of modern life keep many of us occupied there is little time for traditional dating. The problems of traditional dating can be summed up in a number of statements: a limited number of candidates; limitations based on region; getting to know someone. Online dating helps to alleviate many of these issues by providing a platform for interested singles to get to know one another based on comprehensive personality tests that help people connect. Every site is different and there are perks to each method that can only be verified by the thousands of couples across the globe that have met thanks to this evolution in the dating scene.
Companionship for All Species
The question may seem odd, but why do people seek out companionship? Most would respond that they don’t want to be alone; that love is a precious thing that should be strived for as a goal; that they just need someone. All of these reasons are acceptable, however many may overlook the fact that pets too can have these sentiments. Of the 55 million dogs in the United States it is estimated that 4% suffer from separation anxiety. A study from the year 2000 by the Lakewood, Colorado based American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) found that three out of every four pet owners felt guilty about leaving their puppy at home alone while they go to work. The ancestor of modern dogs, the wolf, is a naturally social creature, so it only makes sense that your puppy could be lonely. Pet owners can take steps to spend more time with their pets to help alleviate the anxiety and depression they may feel from single-life, as just 20 minutes per day can go a long way according to experts.
Puppy Love Through Pet Dating Sites
Your dog is as unique as any person you know, so it was only a matter of time before someone developed a dating service specifically for your dog. Dog dating sites are similar to dating websites for humans, allowing dog owners to create a profile for their puppy and using specialized software to determine the best matches based on your dog’s age, breed, and temperament. Professional dog breeders regularly use these kinds of sites to find ideal mates for their dogs that reach the pedigree standard many breeders are looking for. Another study by the AAHA found that up to 44% of pet owners decided to adopt another pet to keep their dog company throughout the day. Whether your dog is on the market or just looking for a friend, consider looking into a doggy dating site because everyone deserves companionship regardless of species.