The last four months have been exhausting. After week after week in the hospital, your 15 year old son is finally being released. The family car accident that caused the death of your oldest daughter also injured two of your sons to the point that they have required lengthy surgeries, extensive therapies, and hours of observation. Through all of these procedures, your younger son in the hospital has not been able to talk and now knows enough to realize that his life will never be the same. The news of his sister’s death was difficult and you long to see a glimpse of the son you once had before the accident.
Today, even though there have been a few smiles at times, for the most part your son is remorse most of the time. The one time that this changes, however, is when the hospital therapy dog visits. As a result, you have applied for one of the certified emotional support animals that are available in the area. You are hoping if your son gets acquainted with the support animal now the transition out of the hospital will be a smooth one. You know that your son wants to get home after the long months in the hospital, but you know there will be difficult challenges when the transition finally happens. You are hopeful that the chance to take one of the certified emotional support animals home will help your son find his smile on a more regular basis.
Online Qualification for a Therapy Dog Can Help Speed the Process
There are many people who could benefit from the support an animal can provide. From those who are suffering from social anxiety disorder to those who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, there are many people who are looking for a way to navigate very challenging situations.
Some of the latest research indicates that one out of seven U.S. children aged two to eight years had been diagnosed with a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder. This means that there are an increasing number of people who could benefit from therapy pets. Another statistic, one which in itself is comforting, is that 74% of those surveyed indicated that they saw mental health improvements from keeping animals as companions.
If you or someone you love could benefit from an emotional support animal, it is important to start the application process to see if you qualify. The decision to apply for an ESA letter online is the first step that can help you get the help that you need in the process of finding certified emotional support animals that are available.