When your dog is suffering from any type of ailment it can be a tough time for both of you. It is important to make sure your dog gets the proper care it deserves so that it can live a healthy, full life. Cataracts are one of the money ailments that dogs can suffer from. There are many options for treating cataracts in canines, and one good way to do so is Dog Cataract Surgery.
A cataract is a form of developing opacity in a lens. The two types of cataracts in canines are mature and immature cataracts. An immature cataract refers to a more minor type of cataract that blurs vision slightly. Eventually the immature cataract may develop into a mature cataract, which clouds the lens and causes more serious vision blockage.
If canine cataracts are not treated, it can lead to a lot of suffering for your pet. Cataracts in your dog could lead to painful medical conditions such as glaucoma or lens luxation. This leads to painful headaches to your pet as well as potential infections that could result in the entire eye being removed.
Luckily there are several ways to treat cataracts in dog. By far the most efficient way to treat canine cataracts is Dog Cataract Surgery. Dog Cataract Surgery is a surgical procedure in which the cataract is removed from the canine’s eyes. While cataract surgery is commonly performed on humans, it is a fairly complex surgery for a dog. Dog Cataract Surgery must be performed by a veterinarian ophthalmologist. An ophthalmologist will be able to evaluate your specific case and determine what your dog needs. Sometimes canine cataracts can be treated through eye drops that provide oral antioxidants that are designed specifically to support canine eyes. A good veterinarian ophthalmologist will be able to tell if your pet has cataracts that are severe enough to require Dog Cataract Surgery or only needs drops.
The best way to find a qualified veterinary practitioner that can perform Dog Cataract Surgery is through one of the many Internet search engines. A search on an Internet search engine will provide several listings for a veterinary practitioner that will be able to meet your Dog Cataract Surgery needs. Do not let your best friend suffer when a medical operation can greatly increase the quality of its life. If your dog has cataracts, schedule a Dog Cataract Surgery as soon as possible.