If your dog has irritating skin growth or cancerous tumors, Cryo Omega vet solutions may be an effective remedy. The CryoOmega procedure is painless, and promises shorter recovery periods compared to conventional treatments. According to research, coolsculpting treatments last approximately 35 minutes. When used along with anti-inflammatory medication, cryosurgery can effectively treat young and aging dogs experiencing muscle overuse. The next part of the article explains how the procedure is performed.
What is Cryosurgery?
It is the application of extreme cold using CryOmega devices to destroy diseased or abnormal tissue like warts, skin tags, itchy or infected lesions. Vets typically recommend this remedy where conventional surgery would be impossible, e.g. when a dog develops a tumor in the mouth. Also, elderly dogs considered high-risk candidates for general anesthesia or prolonged surgical procedures are also eligible for cryotherapy.
How Is Cryotherapy Performed?
Some procedures are relatively simple; the vet may allow you to perform them at home. This is attributed to the fact that cryotherapy is as simple as applying an ice pack on the affected area in a session of 10-20 minutes throughout the day. The pet owner only needs to purchase a cryotherapy device from Cryoconcepts and once the vet gives proper advice about the procedure, you can easily perform the treatment.
However, procedures that involve using cryotherapy to freeze parts of the skin can only be performed in a vet’s clinic. The process involves applying freezing temperatures on abnormal cells, which are ultimately destroyed and further growth dangerous growth can be halted. The most common method of performing cryosurgery is using liquid nitrogen. It is applied either as a spray or using a CryOmega needle, both of which allow vets to target the affected area and preserve the surrounding skin.
Recent technological advances have led to the development of ultra-thin gauge cryosurgical products making it easy for vets to control the amount of tissue frozen and minimize complications. The vet may administer local anesthesia if the procedure is performed on a very small area of the skin. However, if the area is large or located in a moist tissue like the inside of the dog, the vet may use general anesthesia. If so, future cryotherapy procedures on the same location will be performed without administering anesthetics.
After the procedure, the frozen part turns red and may develop blisters that turn to scabs that fall off within two to three weeks. In moist sites like the anus or the mouth, the tissue liquefies, looking green and gangrenous. Be sure to attend follow-up appointments to ensure the area is cured. Also, wash the area gently to remove as much dead tissue as possible. Sometimes it develops a foul odor but your dog hardly experiences pain due to the effect of the temporary anesthesia on nerve endings.
Which Cryotherapy Solutions Are Suitable
If your pet is injured identifying a change in the movement early is critical to managing pain. In this case, the vet applies cryotherapy by way of ice packs on the injured areas to help with the swelling.
However, if your dog has skin irritation or a tumor, cryotherapy in the form of liquid nitrogen freezing is more effective. The procedure relieves pain and irritation while killing any bacteria, germs, or potential for abnormal cell growth.
Efficacy of Cryosurgery as a Treatment Method
If you are relying on the procedure to treat small tumors and warts, your dog may need only one treatment. Nasal and cancerous mouth tumors often go into remission after the first procedure. Also, the vet may decide to use the cryotherapy solution along with traditional surgical procedures to improve the results, reduce recovery time, and target growth areas that are difficult to reach. Other benefits of cryotherapy in an animal include:
- Minimal discomfort
- Fast recovery and less strenuous after care
- Can be combined with traditional surgery
- Quick healing
- Same-day outpatient procedure
- Affordable
- Treats slow-healing or hard-to-reach areas
The procedure can also be used as a preventive measure for dogs with a high risk of developing cancer. The treatment removes small lesions or tumors before they can grow and spread, making other cells cancerous.
Now you know what to expect when taking your canine friend for cryotherapy. If you’re performing the procedure at home be sure to purchase the CryoOmega device from a reputable supplier.